My Story

Hi, I’m Candy. I am a coach and an artist.

As a child, I faced numerous health challenges, all of which fueled my determination to overcome them. Alongside this, I have also been deeply fascinated by creativity in all forms of art especially when it came to movement. Both deep-rooted interest in understanding the intricacies of the human mind and body led me on an unexpected path – inspiring me to become a coach over a decade ago and this goes without saying, deepening my practice as an artist of movement.

Because of my strong desire to pursue these paths, both for professional and personal development, I have fully immersed into various areas including change psychology, nutrition, sleep, recovery and stress management, functional movement, as well as circus arts, dance and expression. All of these areas of study, and further continuing education, give me a fresh perspective to my coaching disciplines that I continually develop over the years.

My mission, not just for overall health and wellness, but as a dance trapeze and flow coach as well is to motivate and enable individuals to take control of their lives and become proactive participants in shaping the future they envision. Through my coaching practice, individuals are able to acquire the necessary skills, overcome self-imposed limitations, and foster a growth-oriented mindset, empowering them and helping them realize their true potential, resulting in a life of purpose and satisfaction.

As a dance trapeze and flow artist, I consider vulnerability to be my greatest strength. I firmly believe that by being open and transparent about my own experiences, including my fears, insecurities, and struggles, I not only create a space for others to do the same, but I also foster genuine and meaningful connections. This, in turn, builds trust and deepens relationships, which I believe is crucial for authentic personal growth.

In all facets of my life, a coach and an artist – I am reminded of the power of human potential. The pursuit of overall health and wellness, the freedom of movement in trapeze, and the endless creativity of art all reflect the boundless capacity within each of us. It is my honor and privilege to guide individuals on their journey to harnessing this potential, cultivating holistic well-being, and reaching new heights of personal growth. It is a journey of discovery and transformation, where we embrace vulnerability, celebrate progress, and paint the canvas of our lives with purpose and passion.

Refer to my credentials for more information